October 21, 2022
In the spirit of transparency and candour, we publish weeknotes reflecting on the what and why for the ENV service transformation team.
Kelsey’s notes
Full week, so short and sweet notes:
Discussed the bigger picture of Environmental Protection Digital Services. Karen and I had a great session sketching out the foundation for this work (building a culture of service ownership) and how we’ll bring teams together around services in the long-term. This included thinking about how we’ll sustain the new digital applications and policy — what does the long-term team and operating model look like? In short, many multi-functional teams.
Thought a lot about digital leadership. Hosting training sessions is a big lift. I always seem to forget this, but preparing for the Climate Action Secretariat leadership sessions has been a big effort. Agenda, activities, presentations, catering, set-up. That being said, it’s been a great chance to get crisp on our message and collaborate with brilliant folks across the ministry and government. Looking forward to it this week.
And, we had our last ENV Executive Digital Leadership session with Public Digital. I’ve cribbed a lot from those sessions for our training — it’s been a great opportunity to reflect and hear internal and external perspectives on digital leadership.
CleanBC demo. Revisited the MVP as a larger group and in more detail. Great chance for the team to hear feedback and questions from across government on their approach, content, engagement with Indigenous communities and next steps.
Reflecting on (and still doing) a lot of content design around regional water quality. Lots of editing, information architecture and UX discussions. Big thanks to Harry for lending his skills to support the design on this work.
Just about to get started on diving into a climate adaptation data strategy. Still some alignment needed here with potential partners, but we’re moving forward with procuring a service design vendor to support this work alongside Laura, our Senior Service Designer from the Natural Resource Information and Digital Services (NRIDS) team.
Missed Kevin this week — looking forward to connecting when he’s back from his Master’s residency on Oct 24!
The opinions and views expressed in this post are solely the author’s and do not represent those of the Province of British Columbia or any other parties.