September 9, 2022


In the spirit of transparency and candour, we publish weeknotes reflecting on the what and why for the ENV service transformation team.

Kelsey’s notes

Back from a week of vacation to a short, intense week. Reminder to self to keep the first day back clear of meetings to make time to catch up.

CleanBC — this was a big week of executive and Minister approval meetings prior to launch. Upon reflection (and having the gift of more time), we could have shared prototypes based on research findings earlier, vs this late stage in the launch game. The site is looking great, went through user testing last week and we’ve received some good feedback to showcase service information more — but it’s tricky to manage expectations on what the MVP will accomplish so late in the game.

Starting with the ‘Why’ of the design (the research, user stories, etc.), followed by the ‘What’ of demoing the site could have framed the MVP more effectively. Ideally, the ‘Why’ should be an existing common foundation to serve up an evolving ‘What.’

EPD Digital Services — Really looking forward to our Agile Product team’s inception day next week. Jackie and I had some great strategic design conversations around the micro and macro of this work this week, along with the new UX Designer from the Product team. In the weeks to come the team will start to prototype service improvements related to contaminated sites services and dive deeper into surfacing patterns and key users across the division’s variety of systems and services.

We officially welcomed Karen Li to a new role leading Digital Services for the division — this means she’ll continue to lead the Agile Product team, as well as the Systems and Web teams. This broader group will be a division resource driving service/digital transformation with the corporate Service Transformation team. Onwards!

Climate Action — We’re planning out Digital Leadership sessions for this team in late October, so some back/forth on a rough agenda and scheduling this week. These sessions will focus on introducing the ‘why and how of digital leadership, agile practicalities and wayfinding in the digital service space (tools+resources).

Really appreciated connected with Lindsay Macfarlane (CAS Product Owner) on a variety of Climate Action pieces this week — including the leadership sessions and continuing to scope work on cross-ministry needs around climate data.

A few other pieces sprinkled throughout the week:

  • Talking design tools to support product and division teams (work to come on this)
  • Potential tracking systems to support document flow in the Deputy Ministers’ Office
  • Talking IM/IT cycles and application tracking with the NRIDS team
  • Attended a call with the Digital Superclusters to learn more about their work and share ministry priorities
  • Supporting design and plain language work to improve access to information on regional water quality
  • Great chat with Amy on owning my leadership style and being assertive in the natural resource sector

Kevin took off on a short week this week to soak up the last few days of summer to run (for a very long distance!) near Whistler.

A lake in the distance through the trees in Strathcona Park.
Catching some late summer light in Strathcona Park.

The opinions and views expressed in this post are solely the author’s and do not represent those of the Province of British Columbia or any other parties.



Service Transformation @ ENV (BC Gov)
Service Transformation @ ENV (BC Gov)

Written by Service Transformation @ ENV (BC Gov)

Reflections on process and practice from the Service Transformation team at ENV. Formerly weeknotes (2021-23).

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